Movies & TV Shows Review Database V1 (Django-React-Postgres)
This Django-React-PostgreSQL application is a modern movie and TV show database deployed on Google Cloud Platform.
Utilizing Docker Compose with Traefik, it seamlessly integrates Django and React, with PostgreSQL serving as the backend database.
The backend is API-based, powered by Django Rest Framework (DRF), and secured with JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication.
Axios facilitates smooth communication between the React frontend and Django backend, ensuring dynamic data fetching and updating.
The React frontend offers a dynamic and responsive interface, while Nginx efficiently serves both frontend and backend static files.
Users can access the Django admin panel at /backend/admin.
In the application, users can add, delete, and edit their own reviews.
Additionally, admins have exclusive privileges to add titles and delete all reviews.
This setup ensures a seamless experience for users and administrators alike.